20 Years of successful

Plus Dedicated
years of Quality

Motorcycle Enthusiasts
& Skilful Locals

Travel in Small Groups
(2 to 8 bikes)


Rider 2995 £ Pillion 2695 £
DISTENCE 1500 kms
RIDING LEVEL Moderate / Challenging
BEST TIME June to Sep
MOTORCYCLE Royal Enfield


01 05

LADAKH-  India’s highest plateau, cradled between the two highest mountain ranges in the world- Karakoram Range and the Greater Himalayas. Defined by the barren cliffs, craggy plateaus and highest cold desert, Ladakh’s astounding scenery is peppered with a number of colourful monasteries, multi coloured prayer flags and traditional culture- making it a sanctuary of Buddhist calm.

A Journey to Leh offers a head turner sensational scenery and mind-bending hairpin turns, making it one of the favourite routes of bikers around the world. This undisputed champion of road trips weaves together the highest mountain passes in the world, Khardung La (5359 m) and Buddhist Monasteries that whisper spiritual stories whereas the ancient Gompas telecast the tales of historical Buddhism.

Why to Choose “Motorcycle Tour To Land Of Lamas: Ladakh”?

  • Experience the splendid mix of Tibetan, Chinese, and Indian Buddhism.
  • Challenge your riding skills with 112 consecutive hairpins, each one carefully numbered.
  • Share trials and tribulations with a great bunch of guys with excellent backup.
  • We are a team of native passionate riders, who have been riding world’s thrilling terrains for more than 16 years 

“Motorcycle Tour To Land Of Lamas”, offered by Indian Rides, is a throttle-open Motorcycle ride across the Mighty Himalayas where the landscape changes from cities to Himalayan villages to the highest snowy mountains and finally ends where civilization disappears quickly into the moon-like landscape of desert terrain.

Highlights of the tour 

  • Experience the surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins as you travel Leh on a motorcycle traversing through stunning landscapes, rugged mountains, high-altitude deserts, and pristine lakes..
  • Navigate your motorcycle through the exhilarating challenge of conquering the world's highest motorable passes On Royal Enfield like Khardung La, Fotu La, NamkiLa and Tanglang La passes.
  • Take a glimpse into Tibetan Buddhism and its stunning architecture as you visit the ancient monasteries of Leh on a Motorcycle, such as Hemis Monastery, Thiksey Monastery, and Diskit Monastery. 
  • Bask in eternal ecstasy as you immerse yourself in the mystical beauty of the Lunar-like landscape of Lamayuru in Leh On a MotorBike.
  • Witness the contrasting landscape of lush green valley and sand dunes in Nubra -“A Valley of Flowers”.
  • Engage with Ladakhi people- descendants of a blended race of Mons of North India, Dards of Baltistan and Mongols of Central Asia.
  • Leh offers Instagram beauty as it is surrounded by the Himalayas, Karakoram Range, and Zanskar Range, providing play of light and shadow on the mountains.
  • Feel mesmerised with the display of stars and constellations at Tso Kar Lake at night which  shimmers like a sapphire- a tranquil oasis amidst the stark.
    Stroll through the bustling markets of Leh for Indian handicrafts and to indulge in flavorful Ladakhi cuisine

Feel the stillness of the azure sky sprouting spirituality within you on this Spiritual Tour to Trans-himalayas. The ringing bells of Monasteries, pious prayers, and the colourful spiritual flags ignite any heart and soul

Leh threads through thrilling mountain roads to Nubra, with grin-inducing bends all the way to the Roof of the world!


D1 Delhi

Welcome to India!
Greetings in India!
Upon your arrival at Delhi International Airport, a representative from Indian Rides will be there to warmly welcome you and provide assistance for your transfer to the hotel.
Take the remainder of the day to relax and recover from your flight.

D2 Delhi to Leh {3500 }

Today, our dedicated representative will drop you to Delhi Airport for your onward domestic flight to Leh. A short and picturesque flight will take you to Leh, your enchanting gateway to the Motorcycle Tour To the Himalayas from the new route!

Upon arrival in Leh, we will ensure your smooth transfer to your hotel for a well-deserved rest. Leh sits at an elevation of 3500 meters above sea level, so the following hours of the next day will be dedicated to leisure, allowing you to acclimate to the weather, high altitude, and lower air pressure. This preparation is essential to ensure your readiness for the upcoming adventurous motorcycle Tour to the Indian Himalayas of Leh and Ladakh.

After a quick and delightful lunch, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Indian Rides Team, and your fellow travel companions on this thrilling motorcycle adventure to the Himalayas. Mr. Naren, the founder of Indian Rides, will personally lead the group, supported by his experienced team.

D3 Leh

Today, indulge in a light and nourishing breakfast and complement it with ample of water and soothing soups to stay hydrated to aid your acclimatization to the high altitude.

After a hearty breakfast, commence the first chapter of your Ladakh Motorcycle Tour . Today you can visit the serene Shanti Stupa, a pristine white structure adorned with golden artwork and with Buddhist murals and paintings. Its tranquil ambiance has the power to soothe any restless soul, offering a profound sense of peace.
As you walk around the stupa, you can chant mantras, immersing yourself in the serene surroundings and the breathtaking beauty of the landscapes. A symbol of unity and spirituality, the Shanti Stupa was built by Japanese monks in 1991 to commemorate 2,500 years of the Buddhist religion.
As the evening descends, take the opportunity to explore the vibrant Leh Main market, teeming with an array of colorful shops and charming cafes. Treat yourself to the delectable flavors of authentic tandoori Ladakhi cuisine at lovely eateries, Just keep it light!

Remember, Acclimatization is a gradual process just ensure you get adequate rest and sleep and always listen to your body!

D4 Leh - Hemis - Thiksey - Leh

Begin your day with an early morning start, embarking on the first leg of your Ladakh Ciruit with the Spiritual Motorcycle Tour To Leh and Ladakh which is an ideal and safest route for a Motorcycle Tour in the Himalayas this season, due to unfavorable climatic conditions in the lower Himalayas.

Your fully guided Motorcycle Tour To the Himalayas commences with a comprehensive briefing covering essential safety measures, touring approach, road conditions, and a personal equipment check. It is time to handpick your Royal Enfield for the upcoming Motorcycle Tour to Leh and Ladakh. Familiarize yourself with starting procedures, control layouts, and adept bike handling. Get to know your motorcycle intimately, as it will be your steadfast companion throughout the enthralling Himalayan Tour on Motorcycle.

Don your stylish leather gear and head towards  Hemis Monastery, the largest and most opulent monastic institution in Ladakh. Nestled along the tranquil banks of the Indus River, this monastery houses a magnificent copper -gilt statue of Lord Buddha, as well as numerous gold and silver stupas, and sacred thangka paintings. It stands as a Himalayan Buddhist gompa of the revered Drukpa Lineage.

Continue your Adventurous Himalayan Motorcycle Expedition and venture towards Thiksey Monastery, a majestic gem in Ladakh. Thiksey lies 17 km from Leh on the Manali -Leh highway in the serene Indus Valley. It is an unmissable and enchanting pit stop that adds a touch of wonder to your thrilling Ladakh Motorcycle road trip adventure. Witness the enchanting prayer ceremonies and be captivated by the young Buddhist monks reciting sacred texts. This twelve-storied Monastery is affiliated with the Gelugpa sect, also known as the Yellow Hat sect of Tibetan Buddhism.

After a spiritual journey on a motorcycle in Indian Himalayas, return to your Leh hotel, cherishing the experiences of the day.

D5 Leh - Lamayuru { 3500 M }

Today get ready for your Motorcycle Adventure in Indian Himalaya with a ride of 125 km to Lamayuru on  Leh- Srinagar highway. Lamayuru is an offbeat but easily accessible destination on Motorcycle in Ladakh.

Lamayuru captivates with its ancient charm and unique "lunar landscape," often referred to as a "Moonscape" due to its extraordinary geographical formations. Prepare to be mesmerized as you visit the Lamayuru Monastery, a serene sanctuary adorned with antique designs, captivating vistas, and devoted monks. The monastery perches at an altitude of 3510 meters and is one of the oldest monasteries sitting at the head of the Indus Valley.

Ride your Royal Enfield along the awe-inspiring Himalayan roads with the best routes for Himalayan Motorcycle Touring that meander alongside the flowing river, traverse the barren desert, and lead you through mud- walled villages enveloped in vibrant green fields. The journey culminates at the base of an immense gorge, where the allure of Lamayuru awaits.

D6 Lamayuru - Kargil { 3500 M }

The best guided Motorcycle Tour to Leh and Ladakh, the updated Himalayan route from August 2023 onwards traverses through Kargil.

Today Morning, start your day with an early breakfast and gear up for an exhilarating and adventurous motorcycle route in the Himalayas, offering breathtaking views of the Ladakh region.
Begin your ride towards Fotu La Pass, one of the highest mountain passes in the region at a height of 4108 meters. The natural beauty of this place offers a wonderful opportunity to revel in the essence of the region. Descend down to the picturesque village of Mulbekh and visit one of the popular tourist attractions on the Leh- Kargil Highway, about 70 km from Lamayuru is Mulbekh Monastery. Witness the 30 feet tall statue of the Maitreya Buddha which is carved on an enormous slab of stone.

Resume your Motorcycle trip to the Himalayas from Leh to Kargil Via Namkila Pass, located at a height of 3700 meters. Ride through rugged terrains and sublime landscapes of brown mountains, adorned with winding and serpentine trails, creating a mesmerizing sight that is perfect for photography enthusiasts.

D7 Kargil – Aryan Valley - Temisgam { 3200 M }

Post Breakfast, Initiate your Motorcycle journey In Indian Himalayas from Kargil to Temisgam, venturing through the captivating Aryan valley, a route that offers stunning views of the surrounding brown mountains, dotted with traditional Ladakhi houses that seem frozen in time.
Ride through the Aryan Valley in Ladakh, a hidden gem renowned for its unique and fascinating culture and its hospitable locals. Villages in this valley are inhabited by the last remaining descendants of the Dards in the region. The Dards are regarded as the last race of Aryans in the Indus Valley. 
Continuing your Motorcycle Tour to Leh and Ladakh visit Temisgam which is an offbeat tourist destination in the Himalayas, a picturesque village surrounded by green fields and apricot orchards and a haven for the travelers seeking serenity and peace.
Here one can Engage with the locals, learn from their ancient wisdom, and appreciate their deep connection to the land and their heritage Or can visit Temisgam Palace and Temisgam Monastery in the evening.

D8 Temisgam - Leh { 3000 M }

This morning, after a hearty breakfast, kick- start your Royal Enfield motorcycle for an unforgettable journey to the Himalayas on Motorcycle towards Leh. Departing from Temisgam, the road meanders through rugged landscapes and picturesque villages. Along the way, you will be enveloped by verdant fields, apricot orchards, and the majestic peaks of the Ladakh region, creating a genuinely mesmerizing backdrop for your ride.

Have a relaxed evening and process the experiences and beauty with a pause and get into the vibe of the city of Leh.

Evening at leisure, free to explore the city.

D9 Leh - Khardung la - Hunder

This morning, after a hearty breakfast, kick- start your Royal Enfield motorcycle for an unforgettable journey to the Himalayas on Motorcycle towards Nubra Valley via World’s highest motorable pass. 

Riding atop your  Royal Enfield with a Motorcycle Tour to the Highest passes of India, chart a course towards the renowned Khardung La Pass, a majestic sentinel that towers at an impressive altitude of 5359 meters above sea level. Ascend towards this legendary pass, alternatively referred to as K-Top or the 'Pass of Lower Castle’ with a Must- do Motorcycle ride in the world for a biker. Prepare your lens to capture every spectacular moment with your troop on top, against the serene beauty of the valley.

Descend into the enchanting "Valley of Flowers," Nubra Valley, a stunning expanse nestled at the confluence of the Shyok and Nubra rivers cradled by the towering peaks of the Himalayan mountain ranges. The landscape here is nothing short of picturesque, offering a 360-degree panoramic view that leaves a lasting impression.

Hunder Village, like a hidden gem in the heart of the cold desert, is surrounded by pristine white sand dunes, a unique feature of this high-  altitude desert. Adding to the charm of Hunder are the two- humped Bactrian camels, a rare and captivating sight in this part of the world.

As the evening descends indulge in a camel safari on a double- humped Bactrian camel. Or stroll through the village lanes, or simply gaze at the towering peaks in the Valley, a place where the wonders of nature unfold in all their glory.

D10 Hunder - Disket - Leh { 3500 M }

Enjoy the breathtaking spectacle of the Nubra Valley with the rising sun, painting the sky with vibrant hues. The surrounding Himalayan peaks, already imposing in their stature, begin to emerge from the cloak of darkness, their snow-capped tips catching the early rays of the sun. The Nubra River glistening like liquid gold in the gentle morning light.

After a delightful breakfast, your exhilarating fully guided Himalayan Tour to Leh and Ladakh on Royal Enfield begins, taking you to the famous Diskit Monastery, also known as Diskit Gompa which stands as the largest and oldest Buddhist monastery in Ladakh, affiliated with the Gelugpa sect (Yellow Hat) of Tibetan Buddhism and holds a sacred place as a sub gompa of Thiksey Monastery. Perched at an elevation of 10,315 feet, Diskit Monastery treats with panoramic vistas of the Shyok Valley and its picturesque surroundings including the Shyok River, towering mountains set against the backdrop of the azure sky, and lush green meadows.

As the day unfolds, ride back to Nubra. As you retire to your sanctuary of rest, cherish the joy of riding high and far with the Royal Enfield tour to the Indian Himalayas, as you created unforgettable moments in your heart.  

D11 Leh - Tsokar Lake { 4400 M }

Today Morning, following a delightful breakfast, set off early for an Adventurous Motorcycle Tour in the Himalayas from Leh to Tsokar Lake. Starting from Leh, you will embark on your journey eastward, leaving behind the bustling town and heading into the tranquil wilderness of Ladakh on Royal Enfield.
The road takes you along the Indus River, with majestic mountains flanking both sides of the valley. The views of the rugged terrain and the river's pristine waters are simply awe-inspiring.

The key landmark of this route is Mahe Bridge which offers not only a picturesque view but this road leads deep into the heart of Ladakh, whereby you will pass through small villages, where you can catch glimpses of Ladakhi nomadic life and culture. The stark beauty of the landscape is contrasted by the vivid colors of Ladakhi attire and Buddhist prayer flags fluttering in the wind. Riding through Ladakh on a motorcycle allows you to immerse yourself fully in the culture and natural beauty of the region.

As you approach Tsokar Lake, the landscape transforms into a high- altitude desert, Tso Kar is a saltwater lake that is about 7 km in length and more than 2 km in width. The lake is at an elevation of about 14,850 ft and is surrounded by two towering peaks – 6,370 m high Gursan Peak and 6,050 m high Thugie Peak. Dedicate your day to discovering the enchanting allure of this region, engaging with the warm-hearted locals, and submerging yourself in the rich tapestry of Ladakh.

As the sun gracefully descended behind Tsokar Lake, its warm embrace cast a mesmerizing palette of colors across the serene waters, marking the end of the day.

D12 Tsokar Lake - Leh { 3500 M }

Tsokar is a salt water lake, that serves as a haven for a diverse array of wildlife, drawing in migratory birds and creating a paradise for avid birdwatchers. Let your camera's shutter compose its sweet symphony with the early morning light, and allow the timeless beauty of the village to enchant all who witness it.

Following breakfast, resume your offbeat Motorcycle Tour through the Himalayas by riding back to Leh via Tanglang La Pass. It is one of the world's highest motorable passes, reaching an elevation of over 5,328 m. The challenging ascent to the pass rewards you with breathtaking panoramic views of the rugged Himalayan terrain. The thrill of conquering mountain passes of India on a motorcycle is an experience in itself. The challenge of navigating the steep and winding roads adds to the sense of adventure. As you reach the summit of Tanglang La, take a moment to savor the achievement and the jaw- dropping vistas which is every biker’s dream. The pass is adorned with colorful prayer flags that flutter the wind, and the air is crisp and thin.

After conquering the pass, you will begin your descent toward Leh, where you can retire with an unforgettable motorbike experience in India.

D13 Leh - Delhi

Bid adieu to the enchanting landscapes of Ladakh with an experience that touches the heart and board a flight to Delhi, the vibrant Indian capital.
On arrival, you will an official from Indian Rides and be transferred to your hotel.
The remainder of the day is at leisure.
You can rest or discover the capital city on your own.

J14 Delhi and departure

Today an ambassador of Indian Rides will help to transfer you to Delhi International Airport for your onward travel arrangements.

A journey to Ladakh will forever hold a special place in your soul, making this tour to Leh and Ladakh on Royal Enfield an unforgettable and cherished chapter in your travel tales.

Guranteed departure
from 2 participants
Dates Rider Pillion Festival
2995 £ 2695 £ --- 06 Book Now
2995 £ 2695 £ --- 02 Book Now
2995 £ 2695 £ --- Full Closed
3095 £ 2795 £ --- Book Now
3095 £ 2795 £ --- Book Now
3095 £ 2795 £ --- Book Now
3095 £ 2795 £ --- Book Now
3095 £ 2795 £ --- Book Now
3095 £ 2795 £ --- Book Now
Traveling with friends
form your own group


Our price Include

  • Price are based per person on 2 people with Dbl/Twin Room including breakfast.
  • Dinner on Day 5, 6 7, 9 & 11.
  • Motorcycle Royal Enfield 500 CC with mechanic.
  • Flight Delhi - Leh & Leh - Delhi.
  • Include unlimited kilometres and fuel.
  • English speaking guide on the motorcycle.
  • Assistance vehicle with driver for your baggage.
  • Hotels – Taxes.
  • Service of local guides for monuments.
  • All domestic transports.
  • 24 * 7 Assistance by team INDIAN RIDES.
  • 3rd party Motorbike Insurance

Our prices do not Include

  • International round – trip.
  • Lunch 
  • Dinner on Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 8,10,12 &13.
  • Visa fees.
  • Personal expenses 
  • Tips (no obligation).
  • Entrance fees relating to cameras / video sites.
  • Repatriation Insurance
  • Motorbike Gear & Personal equipment


Our satisfied customers

5.0 Based on 8 reviews

Thank you for arranging such a well organized and enjoyable tour for 6 Kiwis and 2 Frogs. The bikes were great, guide and support mechanic were great, and the Ladakh scenery was impressive. Roads were mostly excellent, but with a few rough bits thrown in which added to the challenge. All our needs were well looked after - suitable accommodation, restaurants and liquids as required (during ride and beers after a hard day in the saddle). I would highly recommend Indian Rides for your Indian motorcycle tour.

The ride from Leh to Lake Moriri was the most stunning motorcycle tour I did so far. And staying there overnight in a tent resort, with the milky way above and the wildlife around me, I will never forget. What an experience. Narendra our guide and the Indian Rides team was helpful and did a great job guiding us. Thanks for everything!


This was my 3rd trip with Indian Rides, this time i chose to go to Ladakh on a motorcycle and it proved to be super awesome! Everything was organized really well, and the people at Indian Rides, they are very good at their jobs. Riding through the mountains and seeing the little monks in their red clothes was like a dream. The motorcycles we rode were Royal Enfields- all well maintained that made the journey even more special.
The crew of Indian Rides took care of us (we were a group of 7 Kiwis) and they made sure we were safe while crossing the highest mountain passes. It was a bit scary, but also really exciting! The places we stayed in were nice and comfy too.
The trip was not just about riding the bike; it was also about meeting local people and learning about their way of life. Indian Rides made sure we had a great time and experienced the real Ladakh. I really liked the trip, and I am thankful to Indian Rides for making it so much fun!


Dear Narendra,
I cannot express enough how exceptional my experience was with the Indian Rides through Conquer the Himalayas tour! Your meticulous planning resulted in a well-thought-out itinerary that not only met our needs but also maximized our time and convenience. Throughout the journey, you consistently went above and beyond, ensuring every detail was taken care of, from passports to visas and flights. Your frequent check-ins demonstrated your commitment to making our trip extraordinary, and indeed it was!
The arrangements made by the company, including the knowledgeable guides, were outstanding. The staff and guides were not only professional but also incredibly hospitable, creating an atmosphere of generosity and warmth in the breathtaking surroundings. We were fortunate with excellent weather and temperatures, allowing us to witness some truly amazing rides on our motorcycles. The pinnacle of the trip was the ascent of Khardungla Pass, an indescribable experience that filled us with a profound sense of inner peace.
Your travel company's efficiency extends to all aspects, from airport pick-ups to visas and internal tours, ensuring a seamless experience. The hand-offs were smooth, the bikes were clean and well mainted, and the team leaders were ensuring all safety and enthusiastiasm. Every practical detail, from meals to confirmation calls on transfer days, was impeccably attended to.
Your professionalism and extensive knowledge of every topic we discussed were truly commendable. Overall, this trip became an unforgettable experience, and I attribute it to the excellence of your company. A big thanks to you for making it all possible.

Alexandre Dubois


My motorcycle trip to Leh and Ladakh went beyond what I expected. The motorcycles were fantastic, the routes were both more challenging and enjoyable, and the accommodations were excellent. The organization was flawless. The highlight for me, as an English person, was connecting with riders from France and Belgium. Everyone welcomed me warmly, and embracing the cultural differences added to the joy of the experience. A journey that fulfilled all my criteria!

This trip had been in my bucket list for long and when I did it I have become super confident about my decisions. We were a small group of 07 and from the team management to route planning to Hotels everyday was just Perfect. We were really happy to take back the sweet lifetime memories and our best of luck to Team Indian Rides and wish that they keep continuing this amazing adventure.

Big Cheers

This was my time time in India and on a Royal Enfield Motorcycle. Narendra has put together an unforgettable adventure and a well planned challenge to the seasoned rider. His planning includes periods for staged altitude acclimatization, expected travel time, availability of accommodation and reduced traffic density. I cannot thank Narendra, Ram and Armar enough for providing us a fabulous journey, good company and amazing memories of one of the most breathtaking areas in the world.

We had been to Ladakh for 2 weeks and it seems that the tour is over but in our minds we are still their. Many thanks to Indian Rides for organising such memorable trip and offering their best services. The memories will always be cherished and we would want to come back to India again with them.
